Monday, October 26, 2009

Rife Frequency Generator MS Fibromyalgia

Rife Frequency Generator
Detox Your Body Update

In my last entry I completed the second Multiple Sclerosis set and found my energy much higher and pain less. I had planned on starting the third MS set when I came across the fibromyalgia sets and decided to try them. One was only 5 minutes long, the other about 30. Part way through the second set my whole body lightened up and stress just started to drain away. I felt so much better when I finished!

I have completed two of the fibromyalgia sets including the one which also includes the destruction of viruses and bacteria associated with this disease. The general muscle pain in my body is much less (I also have burning in my legs from the MS)and I don't really notice it. What a relief!

Several other things have happened which I don't know for sure came from using the frequency generator, but since that was the only change I made, I have to attribute the changes to it.

The first one is memory. My short term memory was so bad that my husband, friends, family and I played charades when I tried to communicate. Now I can dial a phone number and remember it! Things just pop into my mind when I search for an answer! I thought my intellect was gone but it's not!

The second one is energy. I find myself buzzing around like I used to do! Incredible!

The third one is mood. Depression followed me for many years, but now I feel lighter, brighter and optimistic.

The fourth one is wellness. In the past I felt sick all the time. It was only a matter of degree. For the first time in years I FEEL GOOD!

Next, I will return to the frequencies for MS. I'll keep you posted!

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