Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rife Frequency Generator Detox Your Body a Scam?

Rife Frequency Generator
Detox Your Body Update

When I first heard of a frequency generator no information came to mind. Asking doctors equaled talking to brick walls. Frequency generators often carry the name Rife after Dr. Royal Rife who developed the technology after years of research and trials. Lots of my research later filled me in on what a frequency generator actually does.

A frequency generator DOES NOT HEAL ANYTHING!

Wow, this information shocked me. My next question was, "Well, what does it do?".

I found out parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungus and all those little nasty things that make us sick have specific frequencies in which they survive. They also cannot survive in other frequencies.  

All that is needed is to apply the correct frequency to kill off any of these "bugs".

When these "bugs" or "germs" invade the body, the immune system attacks them and usually does a pretty good job. However, if over-stressed or weak, the "bugs" or "germs" overwhelm the immune system and the body resulting in ill health and organ dysfunction.

Detoxing, using the correct individual frequency, destroys the "bugs" or "germs". Then the body removes the dead "bugs" or "germs" from the body.

Now that the body is detoxed, the immune system takes over it's job of protecting the body and allows the body to naturally heal itself.

Using a frequency generator makes taking chemical drugs obsolete and downright criminal. No wonder the government,  medical associations and drug companies fight against it. They claim we say the frequency generator heals. NOT TRUE!

Only quacks, scam artists, or ill-informed people claim a frequency generator heals. Rife frequency generators float all over the internet but very few produce the intended results. Careful research reveals which ones give the body relief from invaders so it can heal itself.

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